Saturday, July 04, 2020

One Morning While Jogging . . .

The other morning, I was running with my husband, Dan, and we came upon two things on the path.

The first was a snake skin.

"It must be getting warmer. The snakes are losing their skin," I remarked.

We never actually saw the snake unlike the story I told a couple of weeks ago.

The second were drag marks in the dirt path leading from the river.

"I wonder what that was," Dan said.

"Maybe someone dragged a kayak or something across the dirt," I guessed.

"Yeah, it's probably that and not a dead body."

"Ugh . . ." I muttered. Maybe I shouldn't have invited him to join me that morning.

After that morbid turn of conversation, I escaped into my own thoughts. It turned out I had a lot on my mind as well.

My first thought was, "White people with the safety off and finger on trigger are more frightening than anything."

Then I started to hand out some free advice . . . still all in my mind.

It's an emotionally heightened time. Just stay away from guns for a while.

Also, stay away from people if you can, and wash your hands. We're in a pandemic whether or not you believe it.

Wear a flipping mask. You wear pants (or something that covers your nether regions), don't you? It is part of the social contract we make as citizens. A mask is like pants for your face.

It seems as though the same people rambling on about wearing masks and the constitution and whatever unscientific nonsense that pops into their heads are also CONSTANTLY proclaiming their Christian faith.

You should probably stop posting Bible verses alongside posts about YOUR rights and YOUR freedom regarding not wearing masks. That's selfish, not Biblical. This is though:

Don't spray disinfectant up your ass because some delusional dirty old man told you to. Or, on second thought, do. That is definitely your right.

By the way, masks are okay now according to our Commander in Idiocy. You should go with that.


Pleasant surprise later that afternoon: The Boise mayor made masks mandatory.

Now if only some of these surrounding Idaho towns would follow suit.

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