Saturday, August 31, 2024

Funniest Stories Thus Far

It's that time of year again, time to let you all know how hilarious my job can be before I get old and jaded and tired. 
Of course, that's impossible in my line of work. Like the poster on my classroom wall says, "Music Keeps You Young."

One of my kindergartners, who is a born contrarian, is always asking, "Why? Why?" or even saying, "No!" instead of following directions.
He was told by Copy Cat (my singing cat puppet) that he needed to do what Mrs. Duggan said or he wouldn't get a high five at the end of class. 
Suddenly, he looked very serious and said quietly,  “Sorry, Copy Cat.”
He had no more behavior problems for the rest of the class . . . at least on that day. 

I called on one of my first graders who was patiently raising her hand, and she announced, "When I marry Sonny, I want to be a music teacher." 
Sonny, who was sitting next to her at the time, just grinned.
This is not the first time she has said she wants to be a music teacher. This is the first time she proclaimed she is marrying Sonny. (Names have been changed to protect the innocent.)

"You have a long time to decide who you want to marry," I told her. 

I think she might be serious about the music teacher thing though.

One day,  I sang my typical, "Criss-cross applesauce, pizza pepperoni sauce, ice cream with chocolate sauce, bottoms on your dots" to one of my kindergarten classes.
They immediately sang back to me, without hesitation and in perfect pitch, “Mrs. Duggan’s hungry.” 
How did they come up with that?! Spontaneously and collectively like that?!  

On Monday, I mentioned the Labor Day holiday to my 6th graders. One girl approached me at the end of class.
"Is somebody having a baby?" she asked quietly and looked at me like I had a special secret.
"Do you think I'm having a baby?" I asked her. My shirt was little large on me. 
"Well, you said something about labor." 
Sigh of relief! I'm probably past childbearing age.
"Oh! Labor Day is a holiday that celebrates workers because 'labor' can also mean hard work."
I didn't tell her that's why it's called "going into labor," because it's the hardest work.

We were playing a getting-to-know you game, and every year I choose a fun pop song as part of the activity. I tried so hard to find a current song, maybe by Sabrina Carpenter or Taylor Swift. 
But I gave up and played a Weezer song instead because I'm a ride-or-die GenX-er. 
And so many kids said to me, "Mrs. Duggan, WHAT SONG IS THIS? It's awesome!" 
GenX music is The. Best. You've just been schooled, kids.

For the latest blog updates, visit and "like" Rebecca Turner-Duggan.

Friday, August 02, 2024

End of the School Year Shenanigans

You may or may not have noticed that it's been a long time since I've updated my blog.

Actually, I have had this end-of-school post ready to go for a while, but I am just getting around to publishing it . . . even though school starts in a two weeks. 
Before I tell you about the end of the 2023-2024 school year, here are a few moments from throughout the year. 

For example, this is a conversation between my husband, Dan, and I, right around the time of my fall program.
Despite the above panic text, I set an intention to be present during my students' performances this year, to enjoy their music experiences right along side them. I spent the year taking "mental pictures" rather checking things off my list.
Here were a few (of many) mental pictures.
Snapshot #1
My student actors spontaneously broke out into a beautiful chorus of "Cheer Up, Charlie" when the girl playing Mrs. Bucket was practicing her solo.
Snapshot #2
The 5th grade teacher said he greeted his students with "Good Morning" everyday as they entered the classroom, and one student always sang good morning back to him. 
Right before the kids' spring musical, she didn't sing back to him one morning. He asked her what was up, and she said she had to save her voice for the program and that she wasn't going to sing until rehearsal. 
(This was not an order from her music teacher. She came up with that on her own.)
Snapshot #3
During a final program rehearsal, I told the kids, "It’s your show now." 
One of the boys came up to me at the end and said, “So what you’re saying, is we can take it from here?”

I also took actual pictures. Here are some of my favorite end-of-the-year memories.
Boise Music Week Choir Performance

Final Spring Choir Concert

Field Day

Camp Day Sing Along


Talent Days in the Music Room


6th Graders "Visiting" Me the Second to Last Day of School 


Kindergarten Graduation
6th Grade Parade
At the end of the year, I had to move my stuff out of the music room for painting and new carpet.
My guest room is now a music room storage area.

On the last day of school, I stopped by the grocery store closest to my house. It happens to be right across the street from a junior high. Middle schoolers were running up and down the aisles with their friends, wild and crazy.
All I could think was, They’re your problem now

(Of course, that's only true for a couple more weeks.)

For the latest blog updates, visit and "like" Rebecca Turner-Duggan.