Saturday, October 03, 2015

Banned Books Week

Last year, I wrote a blog post about a book banning controversy going on in one of our local school districts.

This year, to mark the end of "Banned Books Week," I thought I would challenge my blog readers to take the quiz, "Which Banned Book Fits Your Personality?" just for fun . . .

Then let me know your result in the comments!

I got Slaughterhouse Five
"Slaughterhouse-Five has been banned for being everything from psychotic to vulgar. The book continues to be banned in schools, most recently in 2011 in a Missouri school district. The book follows unreliable narrator, Billy Pilgrim, who is a Chaplain’s Assistant before being brought into World War II. The science fiction book takes the reader from psych wards to outer space and is perfect for the open-minded bookworm."
I do love this book, but I'm not sure what it means that it "fits" my personality. Psychotic? Vulgar? Makes me sound pretty edgy. I do have issues. But that is another blog post for another time.

I am interested to know what banned book fits your personality.

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