Monday, April 13, 2020

STAY-AT-HOME Week 4: This Week, I Clean My Own House

My husband, Dan, and I are on week number four of social distancing. As I said last week, we have established a new routine. My sister-in-law asked if we wanted to kill each other yet, and we both shrugged our shoulders and said no.

"We don't have kids, so we just stay in separate rooms and out of each other's hair," I said. "It's kind of like when we're both at work."

Of course, there was the time Dan was listening to LOUD music—and I mean DEATH METAL—while I was planning music lessons.

And there was the time Dan came out of the office and said, "Pretty crazy both of us listening to podcasts on double speed."

I guess it sounds a little chaotic in our house during this work-from-home time.

I am learning the art of the teleconference call. Between school and community groups, I use Google Hangouts or Zoom multiple times a day. I'm not going to lie. It's nerve-wrecking, and I always end up with sweaty armpits.

Dan and I are still trying to support local businesses. Boise people: Rediscovered Books has an online ordering system, and they will deliver to your front porch.

Fun story: I ordered a book by one of my favorite authors, thinking I was just getting the paperback version. They must have delivered whatever was available in the store because I ended up with an autographed copy!

I am going to sound like a horrible, snotty, overly privileged person, but for the first time since moved in, I cleaned my own house this week.

Yes, Dan and I have house cleaners, but there is an explanation . . . kind of . . .

When I was moving out of my apartment and into Dan's house, my mother advised me to get a housekeeper.

"It was the best decision I ever made," my mom said. "It's not that expensive if you have them come every two weeks. You are like me, and you will obsess over cleaning every little thing. It will take you five hours every weekend, and it will stress you out."

So, Dan and I hired a cleaning service. They even have a green cleaning option, and I can concentrate on stressing out about other things.

Because they care about their employees, as do we, the cleaners are practicing social distancing for now, and their services are temporarily canceled.

For the first time this week, we cleaned our own house. Actually, I thought I would be cleaning while Dan took care of other #adulting projects, but Dan approached me when I was pulling our cleaning products out of the cabinet.

"How are going to split up the house? Do you want me vacuum?" he asked.

It reminded me of another lesson I learned as a kid. My sneaky mother taught me about gender equality by introducing me to the Marlo Thomas' Free to Be You and Me. Dan's comment specifically brought to mind Carol Channing's "Housework."

Social Distancing Week 1: Tales of Working From Home
STAY-AT-HOME Week 2: Tales From the Outdoors
STAY-AT-HOME Week 3: Our New Routine
STAY-AT-HOME Week 5: Dan and I Are Like Banksy

For the latest blog updates, visit and "like" Rebecca Turner-Duggan.

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