Saturday, November 27, 2021

My Rock Star Aspirations

Little known fact: What I really want to do is ROCK!

Alas, I am classically trained and have not had many opportunities to be a rock star. But occasionally, I like to pretend.
One Halloween, I dressed up like one for school. I mean, I am the music teacher. It totally made sense.
In high school, I performed with a pop/rock/jazz group. I even sang back up on the Pat Benatar song, "Heartbreaker."
Listening back to the lyrics, I am kind of surprised they let us sing this in the public schools.

I've played Florence twice in the musical Chess. She sort of rocks out during the course of the show. The first time I was in it, my husband, Dan, said I reminded him of Stevie Nicks, which seems unlikely. The second time I did the show, I flipped off Freddie at the end of one of the songs in order to add to my rock star persona. 
Yeah, I'm super proud of that.

Whenever, I play guitar at school, the kids think I'm a rock star. Surely, that counts for something.
I tried to form a band with two other teachers at my school a few years ago. We had one really good rehearsal of Simon and Garfunkel's "Only Living Boy in New York."
I also play a mean "Shake It Off" for my students every year.
Channeling Lisa Loeb, yet singing Taylor Swift

I recently played cajón for my church's treble choir. It was my first time playing for adults, and there was a guitarist and pianist . . . like a real band.

I was way more excited about this than I needed to be, and I texted my dad. Here's how that went [insert facepalm here]:
Me: I got to play cajón last Sunday. I'm officially a drummer now.
Dad: Drummers wear shades.
Me: Only when they're stoned.

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