Sunday, May 09, 2021

Here I Am to Save the Day: Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week happened at exactly the right time this year. 
First of all, the Idaho State Legislature has not been so appreciative of teachers this session. (Our state has been commandeered by far right extremists. I blame Eastern Idaho. Also, Northern Idaho. Insert several eye rolls here.)
Secondly, 2020 and 2021 have been difficult. EVERYONE has an opinion as to how the schools should handle the pandemic, especially those who don't believe a pandemic exists. 
I can't speak for all educators, but I know as a music specialist, I have had to completely alter every aspect of my teaching, from the way I teach curriculum to the way I sanitize my equipment to the way I set up my classroom and the kids inside it. 
Even though traditional music performances were canceled at the elementary level this year (and I don't know when things will "go back to normal," whatever that means), I am making a valiant attempt at recording "virtual" programs in every classroom for every grade level before the end of the school year. 
We are even doing a socially-distanced, non-singing, pre-recorded readers' theater version of our spring musical with the 5th and 6th graders. It has been a lot of work and a brand new experience, but we are having so much fun.
So . . . it seemed especially appropriate that Teacher Appreciation Week was Superhero-themed this year.
The student who colored my cape on this bulletin board came up with the perfect design. I immediately connected it to a musical, of course. 
“How I love my coat of many colors . . .” (Theater nerds will understand.)
I received sweet notes, pictures, and compliments from students all week. They entered my room and said things like, “You look beautiful" and "Thank you for the music." 

The sixth graders left hearts on my door and wrote me letters.
Most of them mentioned how grateful they were to be able to perform the spring musical in some way this year. Last year was heartbreaking when our schools shut down the week we were supposed to perform.

On Friday, we teachers wore superhero capes.
Disclaimer: My face mask is off only because it was lunch, I was eating, and I was the only one in my room at the time.
I don't mean to brag, but I think I earned Superhero Status this year.
For the latest blog updates, visit and "like" Rebecca Turner-Duggan.

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