Monday, December 28, 2020

A LEGO Christmas

This Christmas, my husband, Dan, and I reverted to our childhood. Maybe we were pining for a simpler era, considering we're in the midst of the #2020pandemic, or maybe we have more time to play with toys right now.  As GenX-ers, we know how to entertain ourselves while stuck at home for hours on end. 
Our nephew loves LEGOs, and before 2020, when we could travel and gather with out-of-town family, Dan enjoyed helping him put them together. Of course, our nephew doesn't need help anymore, so when we got him a LEGO set this year, he constructed it within a few hours of receiving it. 

"Our LEGO boy!" my sister-in-law commented. "I forgot to tell you, last night before bed he said, 'Whenever I go to Aunt Becky’s she gives me more LEGOs because she loves me sooo much!'”
(He is right about me loving him soooo much!)
He worked really hard on this one, I was told.

That brings us to Dan, a difficult guy to shop for. He likes practical things, not gag gifts. 
As he says, "I don't like gifts that are funny for one day and then never get used again. It's a waste of money and resources." 

For example, upon seeing a picture of some family members in matching Christmas pajamas, I told Dan I needed to buy him some of those. This did not go over well.
I suppose I agree with him from an economic and an environmental standpoint though.

Of course, he doesn't mind getting video games, puzzles, or other fanboy toys (mostly Star Wars).
Dan had been having so much fun building LEGOs with our nephew. He looked kind of sad when he couldn't help put together LEGOs this year. 

So . . . I bought Dan a set of LEGOs for Christmas, Star Wars LEGOs to be exact. 
About a week later, I don't remember the context, but Dan made some comment about not wanting LEGOs. (He probably thought it was impractical.)
But he must have forgotten about that Christmas morning. When he opened his gift, he exclaimed, "It's an X-Wing Fighter!" 
He looked at the box a little closer and gasped, "It's Poe Dameron's X-Wing Fighter!"

I texted my sister-in-law, "Uncle Dan got LEGOs for Christmas too."
As I was texting her, he called out from the living room, "Wow! It shoots things too!"
Of course, I like to get toys on Christmas too. This year, I asked for the Holiday Barbie because I thought she looked like Belle.

Faithful readers might remember I was Belle once upon a time . . . in my pre-middle age days.
Oh, and we started watching the second season of The Mandalorian this Christmas. Do you see a (very Star Wars) theme here?


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