Saturday, July 11, 2020

Social Distancing Holiday

This was a 4th of July without fireworks, at least officially. Several displays were canceled this year, and my husband, Dan, and I have been avoiding crowds.

I wasn't too upset by the lack of festivities. I never liked them (fireworks) anyway, and I'm not really a fan of most Americans at this time either. Take that finger off the send button. Don't do it! I can't wait to see those comments . . .

Nevertheless, Dan and I had a long weekend on our hands, the holiday being observed on Friday by his employers.

When I asked Dan what he wanted to do on his day off, he said, "I wouldn’t mind playing some Zelda . . . or catching up on work."

"You are NOT working!" I exclaimed. "It’s our nation’s f#$%ing birthday! ‘Merica!"

He played video games instead.

"Did you subscribe to Disney+ yet?" I asked Dan Friday evening.

(We subscribed to Disney+ for one reason last weekend, to watch a certain little musical, recorded live with the Original Broadway Cast. You may have heard of it.)

"You still wanted to watch that tonight?" Dan asked.

My response:

We did end up seeing Hamilton that night, while wearing our Hamilton shirts, because Dan secretly wanted to watch it as much as I did.

Dan and I also completed a Hiking Trifecta.

This isn't really a thing. We just made it up.

It is nothing like the Boise Grand Slam, so don't get us confused with the super advanced hikers in this state.

The Duggan Family's Very Easy Hiking Trifecta included:

Mores Mountain (July 3),

Landslide Loop and Currant Creek (July 4),

and Crestline and Lower Hulls Gulch (July 5).

On one of the Boise Foothills trails, we heard this guy greet us with a, "Howdy!"

We put on our masks to pass per our city's new face covering mandate, which has been protested by a few squeaky wheels of the . . . should I say "far right?" persuasion.

This guy was rocking a Dad Bod and wearing a MAGA hat but no shirt.

When he was out of ear shot, I turned to Dan and said, "They must not wear shirts either."

"Or sunscreen," Dan added.

Our holiday weekend didn't turn out that much different from any other year. I didn't realize how antisocial Dan and I were until a pandemic hit and our quarantined lives ended up looking fairly similar to our regular lives.

Later that night, however, we found out that the people around us took no-official-fireworks-displays to mean let's-make-our-own, and our neighborhood sounded like a battlefield ALL. NIGHT. LONG.

For the latest blog updates, visit and "like" Rebecca Turner-Duggan.

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