Saturday, July 25, 2020

Just Another Outdoorsy Post

This summer, I have been spending a lot of time outdoors . . . for obvious reasons. While scrolling through my blog feed, I noticed most of my posts have centered around some sort of experience on the Greenbelt or the Foothills, sprinkled here and there with a few anecdotes about masks. You can tell where my head has been this summer (besides under a mask).

You're in luck! Here is yet another installment of Becky's Life Outside.

This week, on the Greenbelt, I saw the following things.

A Fox
Several times now, I've crossed the same bridge on the same stretch of Greenbelt, and I've seen this animal bounding down the path. I couldn't tell if it was a feral cat (or possibly a cougar—that's where my mind automatically goes) or a fox.

This week, I got a better look at its size and the way it was moving, and I'm pretty sure it's a fox.

Thank goodness!

I still ran the other direction, however. I may be spending a lot of time outdoors, but I'm not "outdoorsy."

Lots of Osprey
It has been like Birds of Prey on the Greenbelt recently. My husband, Dan, and I have been checking in on an eagle's nest all spring long, and the osprey have been flying around town this summer.

This week alone, I saw an osprey dive for a fish, an osprey chase another one away from its territory, and an osprey sitting on a branch, bopping its head back and forth as though it was listening to music.

I kid you not.

Dan and Becky's recent visit to the real Birds of Prey Natural Area

A Dead Beaver
This one is sad. The first day, I came across him, I thought he might be sleeping. He looked wet, like he had just been in the water. The next day, there was no doubt he was dead.

Let's just say another animal found him . . .

A Woman Smoking On the Greenbelt
First, I have to deal with people breathing gross droplets in my face. Now, they are blowing smoke at me too? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being outside and exercising? Also, obviously, she wasn't wearing a mask.

Good thing I had mine.

Several Masks
On the bright side, I did see a lot of outdoors enthusiasts wearing masks this week, not to mention EVERYONE at my neighborhood grocery store was masked up.

I am certainly thankful for the county I live in and for the leadership of our mayor and Central District Health. (We won't discuss the competency of the leaders in the neighboring counties.)

I've run into this older couple more than once on the Greenbelt. They, like Dan and I, have been wearing masks since before the mandate.

Dan and I joke, "That will be us in about fifteen years," because the guy has long hair.

The guy always gives me a thumbs up when he passes. We're mask buddies.

Go Boise!


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