Sunday, February 24, 2019

Things I Saw in the Road

There was a weekend, not too long ago, I thought I might be living in a parallel universe, one with weird stuff discarded on the roads. I'm used to seeing the occasional roadkill (sad but true) or scraps of cardboard and other random items flying out of truck beds or flocks of stubborn geese, refusing to get out of the way of moving motor vehicles.

But three times during this particular weekend, I found myself thinking, "Hmm . . . I bet there is a story behind that."

1. While driving down a busy street near my house, I drove over a pair of ladybug arm floaties lying in the middle of the road. They must have made a real impression on me because a pair of ladybug arm floaties is such a specific thing to remember.

2. Later that weekend, I was driving down the connector, and came across a stuffed poop emoji hat. I was listening to NPR, and it seemed like an appropriate political statement about our current administration. I thought maybe the placement of it was purposeful.

3. I went running a day or so later and was chased by five roosters, and yes, I do mean five roosters, no hens in the mix. Five roosters ran down the street after me (not a rural country road by the way). I thought maybe I was back on Kauai, where roosters run wild all over the island, but then I remembered the snow on the ground and the fact that I was wearing a beanie, neck warmer, and ski jacket. I was not back on Kauai. Sigh . . .

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