Sunday, January 23, 2022

A Short, Older Supermodel, Rock Star Music Teacher

Even though things are crazy right now at school, we're still plugging away in the music room. I'm doing my best to stay healthy and keep the kids healthy and to focus on the funny stuff. And some of these kids provide non-stop material.

One morning before school, I heard some sixth grade boys wandering the hall, exclaiming, "Mrs. Duggan IS in here, guys!" 
"Mrs. Duggan is busy!" I called out to them, refusing to get up from my desk.
The boys peeked their head in my door. One of them explained they didn't know who was in the Jaggy costume that morning, and they were trying to figure out which teacher it was. 
(Jaggy is our mascot. He graces us with his presence almost every Friday. Half the time, I don't even know who is in the costume.)
"We thought you were Jaggy today because he looked short.” 
Later a fifth grader reported, "You look so young, but that could be your height."

These upper grade kids love it when they figure out that I'm not nearly as tall to them now as I was when they were six.
The second graders think I'm a rock star when I play my guitar, even though I only play three chords. (Of course, so do most rock stars.) 
The kids were raving over my mad guitar skills the other day. I had just played the ROAR song, a parody inspired by Katy Perry that teaches our school rules. 
Out of the blue, one boy announced, "My friend has $0, but he has an electric guitar!"
I wore this outfit the other day and felt super cute. I guess my instincts were right because the fifth graders told me my clothes looked like something Ariana Grande would wear.
"Yeah! You look like an older supermodel!" one of the students chimed in.

And if my ego wasn't boosted enough . . .
It was the end of music, and one of my third grade classes was lining up. They have a tendency to crowd me out so that I can't stand in front of them and monitor their behavior. I instructed them to move back so I could have "THIS MUCH SPACE!" and I accompanied that with a really weird gesture, waving around my arms and legs.
"Why do you need that much space?" the kid at the front asked. "You’re skinny."
I hadn't heard that one before! It's my new favorite.

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