Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Happy Moments in the Music Room

Happy Moment #1
On Valentine's Day, one of my kindergartners walked into my classroom and announced, “Happy Halloween!”

He paused and looked slightly confused, "I mean, er . . ."

"I know what you mean," I told him.

When I posted this exchange on Facebook that evening, one of my friends commented, "There is a campaign to change Valentine’s Day to Second Halloween."

Another friend said her husband came home that day and asked how everyone’s Thanksgiving was.

"It’s been a long week," she added.

Happy Moment #2
We were playing a music Duck-Duck-Goose-type game in the kindergarten class.

One of the boys was chasing a girl around the circle. It was serious business, his face set in determination. They passed his spot a couple of times. Finally, the girl sat down in her own spot instead of his spot, where she was supposed to end up, and the little boy stood there not quite sure what to do.

It was the strangest version of Duck-Duck-Goose I've ever seen.

Happy Moment #3
I was teaching a new song to my elementary choir. We had learned everything except the end of the piece, and I allowed the choir to keep sight singing until the end. All of a sudden, they sang the final notes correctly, in harmony.

"How did you know to sing it that way?" I asked.

"We were reading the notes," they replied.

Proud. Mama. Moment.

Happy Moment #4
One of the little ones came out of the bathroom in my hall, passed his classmate on the way back to his room, and pointed toward the restroom door, giggling.

I swear he said to his classmate, "It’s fun in there!"

What are they doing in that bathroom anyway?

Happy Moment #5

This is an anecdote from last year, but I felt it was appropriate with St. Patrick's Day around the corner.

We were talking and singing about leprechauns in one of my kindergarten classes.

"You know, it's really hard to catch a leprechaun," I said, "but if you do, you can have his pot of gold."

"Leprechauns are so hard to catch because they are teleporting!"

That was a new one!

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