Saturday, October 26, 2019

Guilty Pleasure TV

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a Professional Development training. For our icebreaker, we shared our guilty pleasure television show.

Many of my colleagues had fairly intellectual responses for something that was supposed to be "guilty pleasure." I remember Monk and The Office and Parks and Recreation being some of the answers. I'm not convinced those count as guilty pleasure.

"Keeping Up With the Kardashians," was my pick. "I like to make fun of their eyebrows and see what Kanye's up to," I explained.

The truth is, I could have listed several guilty pleasure TV shows. I don't have much time to watch cerebral television. Usually, I need to be doing something else while I'm watching TV.

My husband, Dan, and I have all kinds of high quality shows saved on our DVR, on our Amazon watch list, and on our Netflix queue. I haven't broken it to him yet, but I will never sit down and watch those shows.

There are a few shows that I will always keep up on as long as they are on the air. They require no thinking on my part, and that's how I like it.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Not only this one but every iteration that involves the Kardashian family, Flip it Like Disick, Life of Kylie, Kourtney and Kim Take Miami, etc.

General Hospital

I have watched this show since I was five. It has sentimental value for me.

Dance Moms

I was a dancer in a former life, and I can say I just watch it for the dance numbers. But who are we kidding? I watch it for the very bad, very outrageous behavior of the adults on the show.

The E! True Hollywood Story

Can I just say how excited I was when this came back?

Snapped or any true crime show on the Oxygen Channel

All summer, I watch back to back episodes of this while I'm taking care of stuff around the house.

Please don't send me emails that start with, "You should really watch . . ." The point of this is I don't need any more smut TV to watch, and I don't have time for the good stuff.

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